This is a number organizing puzzle game where you must fill the numbers in such a way that they form a contiguous loop in sequential order. Follow the logical rules of number placement to solve the puzzle & use the numbers shown on the sides and top to help figure out where specific numbers are located.
This is a number logic game where you must fill in a grid with numbers, Sudoku style. You can’t repeat any number in any row or column. Instead of starting with given numbers, you must rely on inequality signs to act as clues.
This is a logic puzzle game where you complete the rings of numbers around the gray hexagons. Numbers cannot repeat in any of the overlapping rings. Use the given numbers to deduce the location of the others.
This is a spatial and mathematical logic puzzle game where you must cover an entire grid in rectangles. Each rectangle must include exactly one number, which must represent the area of the rectangle.
This is a logic puzzle game where you must fill in the missing numbers in a grid. The numbers are arranged sequentially in a continuous line within the grid. Use logic and the given numbers to deduce the position of the missing numbers. Numbers can only connect horizontally and vertically.
This is a number-based logic game. Fill in each shapes with the numbers 1 through 5. No shape can have more than one of every numeral and no numeral can be adjacent of one another. Much like Sudoku, you must use the starting numbers to determine the location of every other number.
This is a number shuffling spatial logic puzzle game. Move all the boxes until they all turn gray. Move the boxes to any valid location to gray them out. You can only move a box once & must move it the number of squares shown on its face.
This is a Sudoku-like numbers-based spatial logic game. Light up the dots based on the number indicated in each square of the grid.
This is a 30-stage chain reaction puzzle game inspired by the process of nuclear fission. Release the dots by selecting a circle to pop. Using only one circle, take out all the circles present onscreen.
This is a 50-stage path creation game where players create closed loops on a grid with numbered cells on it. Each numbered cell must be passed by lines the number of times shown inside the cell. If a cell does not have a number it can be passed any number of times.